My “job” as a teacher of movement, has been to motivate those who work with me to move, so that they can enjoy life. But what has often been the case…my students give me inspiration back. Teaching exercise classes for over 25 years I have had the opportunity to meet so many amazing people. Many have become close friends, and even like family.

I met Joan (pictured above) at the first Jazzercise class I taught in Freeport, Illinois. It was Sept of ‘92 and I had just moved to this small town and was beginning my business again. Joan became an important person in my life and even though we live miles apart now, she is always in my thoughts and an inspiration to keep moving every day. When we met, Joan was a recently retired schoolteacher. She was still subbing in the local school district, and to this day she is active in her retired teachers organization. That was only the beginning. She was my first inroad to healthy cooking. When we met, I was still feeding my kids mac and cheese and spaghetti O’s. It wasn’t long before Joan began bringing me healthy recipes and samples. It started me on a journey of eating, and feeding my family better. I still laugh about how I used to say quinoa. I had found recipes and started cooking with it but had never heard it said out loud, so “queen-oa” was how I pronounced it. Joan drove miles to one of the first Trader Joes, kept track of steps before there was even a thought of a Fit Bit, and was my first exposure to the healing effects of food. She also lowered her blood pressure by following an Ornish type diet. Today at 88 she is still up and out every day walking, going to Pilates, and sewing costumes for the local theater. She has been a blessing and inspiration in my life.

In 2010, another inspiration walked into my Pilates studio. Richard owned a reformer and wanted me to teach him a home routine. My immediate instinct was, that this wouldn’t work. I thought then that I had to be present to teach Pilates. What I have learned with Richard is that my instruction can be a “guided” teacher/student activity. Even though he faithfully comes to my studio for our one on one sessions, he now has a fully equipped home studio that he uses every day. Currently, Richard supplements his daily Pilates with cardio on his water rower, going to the gym to use the circuit weight machines, maintaining a beautiful farm, and hiking. In the time we have been together he has traveled to hike and learn and taken new art classes. His passion for keeping his body and mind young and agile is boundless.

Deb Nehlig and Her Dad at His GymCloser to home, my father is still an active senior, who after retiring as a builder still keeps busy with odd jobs, golfs regularly, and makes time for the gym. As a child I was pretty sure there was not anything he couldn’t do. Two of my favorite memories were learning to keep the stats at his church league softball games and watching golf with him on a lazy Sunday afternoon. Moving and watching others move were evidently in my genes. Seeing my own children enjoy surfing, hiking, lacrosse, hockey and paintball have always been a joy. And although at the time too loud and messy, I have fond memories of our three boys having indoor Nerf gun extravaganzas.

So when you move, are you happy? I find myself looking deeply into the faces of people I pass on the street running or walking these days. Some look so happy. Yet some look miserable. Life is too precious to do miserable. I am truly blessed to work with people every day who have chosen to participate in what I offer as a form of movement. Their smiles and support are nurturing to my soul. I truly hope my time with them puts a smile on their face. Like the smile on my face that running through the woods catching fireflies, and spinning in circles in my front yard, brought me.